Tuesday, December 28, 2010


去柬埔寨呢,是为了看他们最出名的angkor wat-----七大奇景之一。
接着呢,我们去看tonle sap。没想到,竟然会来到这里,以前书上常常读到这湖,没想到我就这样到了那里。再去的时候,看着巴士外,可以看到它们这里没有美美的柏油路,没有高楼,导游说这城市里只有5个红绿灯。到那里呢,主要是看看他们的水上村。我们就成坐上穿去。那村里,很热闹。到处可看到很多水上屋子,水上学校,篮球场等。还可以看到很多渔夫在那里做自己的工作。另外,还可以看到很多小孩子,坐在桶(洗衣服的那种)里向游客游来讨钱,卖东西。还有些小孩子,就在湖里游泳,抓水蛇。到了一个地方,我们下船,那里呢,有很多鳄鱼与养鱼场。在那里,可以看到很多柬埔寨人在船上卖东西,小孩子在玩。我们还在那里看夕阳呢。接着就回去了。回去当中,路上没街灯,完全没有,路旁的屋也都是点蜡烛的。

我们去angkor wat 。我们用了一天的时间呆在那里。如门票20usd(美金),60多马币啊,好贵哦,可是还是吸引很多人的到来。angkor wat 呢,是一个很很历史性的建筑,它呢,可以说是一个神庙,里面的神庙超过27个,不过太多了,我们没去到完,不过,我们都差不多去了8-9个,都很漂亮,很古老。墙壁上,都有很多以前那些人,所刻的图案,每个墙都有。他们呢,分很多阶级,就像我们sejarah 读到的那样,有国王,hamba 啊,很多很多,我们还可以在墙上看到以前西方大战是所留下来的印记,子弹都还残留在那里。在那里就足够让我们玩一天了。而让我印象最深刻的是,他们的楼梯很斜,很高,楼梯呢,连一个脚的大小都没有,很容易站不稳。那里曾经有人摔下去,死了,所以他们换了一个楼梯,不过还是很斜,给我这个有恐高症来说,是多难的事情啊,还要我爬上去,上去是没问题(因为看不到下面),下来呢,我简直不行啊!!!下到一半,我就好想哦,想要有人帮我啊,结果,我全家人都在笑我=.=气死我了!!

the third day~~
we went to d silk farm....everything in there is all hand made.there got a professional tour guide took us to see d process of how 2 get the silk....my mother=.=she was like wasnted 2 buy the silk bag,but it was 2 expensive(pure silk),it cost about 150 usd.but at last she also bought it.we also went to the killing farm,there was 2 million of ppl were killed by the british,the torture them until death,some of those picture in my history book was there,the original ones,there was also alot of bone keep there.at night we r free n easy,we went 2 d pub street ,old street n night street.we also took a tutut for a city rounding^^it was quite fun.those ppl there came out 4 dinner down all those lamp street,they took picnic there,cause their house didnt had electric city.n the whole street was full of "stall",like pasar malam,those things there sell very chip,half kg of nangka was onli 1 usd,very nice 2.ppl at there also quite good.
4th day
we didnt went anywhere,we was in the hotel,but my parents went 2 the massage.=.=left us alone in the hotel.noon,we went bac 2 kl.it was quite a god trip,better than sri lanka ALOT.i learn quite a lot at this trip^^


  1. walao u!!!school start i want present!!!XDXD
    tak cakap kamu akan pergi Cambodia lor!!
    yerr...got photo post on FB??

  2. ^^i went it the nex day when u all go bintang~~i did told bj that i will b out ...but not combodia><...i think she duno.i did upload some photo...but didnt upload finish...i will uploading it when im free^^many many very nice picture....ALOT then japan...
